I can get past the fact that your girlfriend was an elder.
neat blue dog
JoinedPosts by neat blue dog
Anyone have an obvious gay or lesbian in the congregation?
by mickbobcat inwhen i was a kid we had a kh with a basement and this guy joe winestien lived in it.
he has passed away i believe.
he was about 24 and used to hang around the young boys.
protecting the oldest generation.
by waton inthis tree is named after a general, because the us called in the army to protect these oldtimers; now wrapped in a fire proof blanket.
(it has already a 4 feet fireproof bark).
when will canada do the same, on it's west coast and brazil in the amazon?
neat blue dog
I find this problematic. It should be named after a person of color to be on the right side of herstory.
unofficial JW music
by neat blue dog indoes anybody remember some super cheesy jw pop music from the 80s and/or 90s being sold on cassette by stoops?
i remember there was a family with the last name of arkenberg involved in production among others but i can't find a thing about it online..
neat blue dog
When I clicked that link Anna I ended up listening to "Gary's Love Of A Lifetime Mixdown" - It takes Gary Breaux's Pillowgate dialogue and mixes it up to hilarious results, one of the funniest things I've heard 🤣
unofficial JW music
by neat blue dog indoes anybody remember some super cheesy jw pop music from the 80s and/or 90s being sold on cassette by stoops?
i remember there was a family with the last name of arkenberg involved in production among others but i can't find a thing about it online..
neat blue dog
Does anybody remember some super cheesy JW pop music from the 80s and/or 90s being sold on cassette by Stoops? I remember there was a family with the last name of Arkenberg involved in production among others but I can't find a thing about it online.
Watchtower tweaks "religion" out of Samaritan parable
by Wonderment inthe watchtower writing staff often tweaks the application of a scriptural lesson to their benefit.
this can be seen in this recent article of theirs: .
first, in their explanation of the parable, they do mention "religion" in the original setting (bold letters below): .
neat blue dog
Amen. The neighborly Samaritan was viewed literally as an apostate (which is never a term used in the Christian scriptures by the way). THAT'S what made the story so uncomfortable for the religious leaders.
Sep. 2021 Broadcast: more money
by neat blue dog inin the latest jw broadcast, anthony morris the turd gives a talk about donations.
to camouflage this, he starts and ends the talk by saying that isn't actually what he's doing.
first he starts with the usual disclaimer, 'wt has never begged for money like christendom and we never will', you know the drill.
neat blue dog
In the latest JW Broadcast, Anthony Morris the Turd gives a talk about donations. To camouflage this, he starts and ends the talk by saying that isn't actually what he's doing. First he starts with the usual disclaimer, 'WT has never begged for money like Christendom and we never will', you know the drill. Then comes the guilting:
Whatever our circumstances are, Jehovah doesn't approve coming empty handed.
Money . . . we need to take that into account even if we're in the poor range.
If we say we love Jesus . . . If we really love him . . . that means money. We are willing to donate money to support the worldwide work.
Then to close it out he says with no sense of irony:
We don't want to shame anybody, that's a personal matter.
Lloyd Evans on BBC - Child Abuse
by Anna Marina inexposing jehovah's witnesses on bbc news - youtube.
neat blue dog
I fail to see the problem, it's good media coverage for the subject, don't we all want that? It would be so ironic if this thread was deleted.
Letter from Mother: "...go right ahead on death's road and take your kids with you."
by silentbuddha inso my jw father is sick.
my mother uses the opportunity to try and preach to my 16 year old daughter.
i simply told my mother to: "please refrain from trying to lure *my daughter* in with jehovah's witness questioning.
neat blue dog
I'm so sorry, I know it hurts. I'm going to flip it around and say perhaps some day SHE'LL come around, and if you don't 'reinforce' her misconception of you and let her know you'll always be there when she needs you it just may happen, but until then I wish you and your family comfort.
8/2021 GB update: more doubling down
by neat blue dog inin the latest gb update, losch basically scolds any jws who are wary of masks and the new experimental vaccines, and says that they're being influenced by conspiracy theories and essentially taking a political side.
yet every week i hear individual jws, encouraged by the organization, wishing that masks and vaccines were required by the government and that people would just stay home.
so taking that extreme stance isn't political, because it falls in line with what the org wants, but the opposite is political.. now the stage is more than set for anyone who doesn't fall in line with these things to be viewed as "weak" or getting political, and it shows to be a lie their claim that these things are "personal decisions".. they supposedly are respecting the decisions of the "superior authorities" .
neat blue dog
In the latest GB update, Losch basically scolds any JWs who are wary of masks and the new experimental vaccines, and says that they're being influenced by conspiracy theories and essentially taking a political side. Yet every week I hear individual JWs, encouraged by the organization, wishing that masks and vaccines were required by the government and that people would just stay home. So taking that extreme stance ISN'T political, because it falls in line with what the org wants, but the opposite IS political.
Now the stage is more than set for anyone who doesn't fall in line with these things to be viewed as "weak" or getting political, and it shows to be a lie their claim that these things are "personal decisions".
They supposedly are respecting the decisions of the "superior authorities" . . . So does that mean in Florida, Sweden, etc. with less restrictions JWs follow the lead of the powers that be? No. The fact is that the GB wants to show themselves to be different than Christian and conservative groups, as well as distract from their terrible history with blood transfusions, so they desperately keep saying in these videos that JWs do not refuse medical treatment, yadda yadda
Allegheny Pyramid Desecrated
by RolRod insometime within the last 2 weeks, someone took a sledgehammer to the pyramid monument in allegheny.
they stole the topstone, smashed the cross and crown emblem and removed the seal.. personally i'm surprised it lasted this long untouched.
although through the years russell's grave has been vandalized, it was always repaired by the bible students..
neat blue dog
It was a time capsule with the society charter and some other memorabilia inside. I thought I remember reading from an 'apostate' source that the stuff was removed at night decades ago but I forget the specifics.